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Autógrafos y letras de Rose McIver recibidos
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Rose McIver - November 22nd, 2018
Via : Izombie Sent : 06/21/2018 3 photos+LOR+SASE Received : 11/22/2018
Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

<br><img src=
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Rose McIver Success! (iZombie) - November 1st, 2016
Sent: LOR, picture of her and my friend at WW Chicago, SASE in September 2016 Received: picture signed and dedicated for my friend in my SASE on October 31, 2016 Address: Rose McIver "iZombie - Season 3" North Shore Studios 210 - 555 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver BC V7J 3S5 Canada Picture:
scan<br><br><img border=
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Rose McIver Success - iZombie Set! - October 31st, 2016
SENT: LOR, SASE & 2 photos to the iZombie Set address earlier this year (unsure of date sorry) "iZombie - Season 3" North Shore Studios Bldg 10/210 - 555 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver BC V7J 3S5 Canada RECEIVED: 1 photo personalized & signed back in my SASE on 29th October 2016 PHOTO: http://i68.tinypic.com/2vnkmjb.jpg So happy, Rose is awesome & iZombie is one of my favourite shows. <img src= <img src=
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Rose McIver "IZOMBIE" Awesome success - August 8th, 2015
I sent a letter, sase and 2 photos to Rose vv to the IZombie production office 3 weeks ago and yesterday I got back both photos signed <img src= [ca<!-- s[ca --> This is a great success because I love this new show and Rose is awesome. <!-- s<img src= --><img src= [ca<!-- s[ca -->  <!-- s[ca --><img src=
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