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Ryan Drummond Ryan Drummond
Fecha de nacimiento: 10 Enero 1973
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Última respuesta recibida el: 2/12/2021 >>>

Ryan Drummond
JE Talent, Llc
593 Castro Street
Suite D
San Francisco, CA 94114
Estados Unidos

¿Problemas con esta dirección?
Informaciones sobre esta dirección:

JE Talent, Llc
(Agencia de actores)
593 Castro Street
Suite D
San Francisco, CA 94114
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (415) 395-9475
Sitio official
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Ryan Drummond Success - 02 de diciembre de 2021
Using this address Ryan Drummond JE Talent, Llc 3559 Mount Diablo Blvd. Suite 43 Lafayette, CA 94549 USA Sent 10-15-21 Recd 12-2-21 Recd signed photo. He also included a Sonic the hedgehog sticker and pin http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/h0i9i.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/3305749f6820ee26/h0i9i/rd.jpg[/img http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/uyz4t.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/3305749f6820ee26/uyz4t/en.jpg[/img
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Ryan Drummond Success! (Sonic the Hedgehog Voice Actor) - 02 de diciembre de 2021
First success in a while! Sent: October 15, 2021 Received: December 4, 2021 ADDRESS USED: Ryan Drummond JE Talent, Llc 3559 Mount Diablo Blvd. Suite 43 Lafayette, CA 94549 USA Ryan Drummond was the voice actor for Sonic the Hedgehog from 1998-2004. I wrote Ryan a letter in late September and first sent it out in a manilla envelope along with a SASE and the instruction manual for Sonic Adventure. Sadly, the addy I used originally was out-of-date and it came back as RTS on October 14, but the site admin updated the address so I sent it out again the next day (October 15). I got a response in the mail earlier today, so about a month-and-a-half later. Not only did he sign/personalize the manual I sent, but he also included a super-glossy photo print which is also autographed– whadda nice guy! Below are pics of everything, including the envelope I got. Sadly it seems my 2 stamps weren’t enough to send the SASE as Ryan (or the talent agency) had to pay an extra ¢20 in postage. Idk if that was because of the picture he included or what, but it is what it is I guess… Either way, super happy about this one! This marks my 6th success and my 3rd video game-related one (after Tom Kanliske and Alexey Pajitnov). Now I’m just waiting on Roger Craig Smith… PICS: http://surfmypictures.com/image/e0dea1d3d421425d/wqrcj.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/e0dea1d3d421425d/wqrcj/E679CEEB_F24E_4D8E_B24A_3E5818E81C5A.jpeg[/img http://surfmypictures.com/image/75f251c2dc7a75f9/m62w7.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/75f251c2dc7a75f9/m62w7/A497B607_6A70_4386_B809_F69F95D9DC51.jpeg[/img http://surfmypictures.com/image/75f251c2dc7a75f9/g5drl.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/75f251c2dc7a75f9/g5drl/45359BDE_275D_416E_8D10_4A35D5738309.jpeg[/img http://surfmypictures.com/image/e0dea1d3d421425d/8pvzk.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/e0dea1d3d421425d/8pvzk/E3EC2922_4900_41ED_8CD9_2E41BC546F47.jpeg[/img Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
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Ryan Drummond RTS (Sonic the Hedgehog voice actor) - 14 de octubre de 2021
Sent a LoR, SASE and video game manual in a manilla envelope sometime in early October (let's say 10/01/21). I got the envelope back on 10/14/21 marked as Return to Sender. The date on the RTS label was 10/10/21. I'm guessing the address here is just out-of-date... For those who don't know Ryan Drummond is a voiceover artist who played Sonic the Hedgehog throughout the late 90s/2000s. Assuming the address gets updated I'll probably make a second attempt at sending to him. ADDRESS USED: Ryan Drummond JE Talent, Llc. 115 Montgomery Street Suite 805 San Francisco, CA 94104-4113 Pic of the envelope: [urlhttp://surfmypictures.com/image/8b4526c8aa9f4d4a/de16p.html
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