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Glynis Johns Glynis Johns
Fecha de nacimiento: 05 Octubre 1923
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Glynis Johns

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Glynis Johns (legendary actress, Mary Poppins) SEMI "success"! - 10 de febrero de 2022
Glynis Johns had a remarkable career spanning from 1935-1999, from the original Mary Poppins, Miranda and Superstar to singing Send In The Clowns in A Little Night Music. Sent a photo, handwritten letter, SASE and small donation to her on 6/11/2021 to a private address. Received my photo back unsigned, but with a lengthy letter from her power of attorney stating she cannot respond to her mail anymore. However, he also informed in the letter that he made a copy of my letter to read to her, and also sent me a check from her, in place of the donation I sent, which he hoped would suffice for not being able to sign a photo. It was signed by him, but still has her name, where she's residing, and date on it. Not exactly a "success," so to say, but this is rather very unique, and he did not have to do that for me. She will be 99 this year, so I am not disappointed at all.
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Glynis Johns Actress no longer signing - 02 de septiembre de 2020
Glynis Johns (born 5 October 1923) is a retired British stage, television and film actress, dancer, pianist, and singer. Go my photos returned unsigned with a note attached saying..Sorry, Ms Johns is no longer able to comply with these requests. Used the follow address Ms Glynis Johns 715 Navy St Santa Monica, CA 90405
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Glynis Johns RTS - 19 de agosto de 2020
I wrote to Ms. Johns on 07/14/2020 and my envelope was returned on 08/19/2020 Glynis Johns 10701 Wilshire Blvd. #2201 Los Angeles, CA 90024
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