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Ben Murphy Ben Murphy
Fecha de nacimiento: 06 Marzo 1942
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Última respuesta recibida el: 19/5/2022 >>>

Ben Murphy
2690 Rambla Pacifico
Malibu, CA 90265-3423
Estados Unidos
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(Dirección de casa)
2690 Rambla Pacifico
Malibu, CA 90265-3423
Estados Unidos
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Ben Murphy Actor - 19 de mayo de 2022
Benjamin Edward Murphy (born Benjamin Edward Castleberry Jr., March 6, 1942 Jonesboro, AR ) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Kid Curry in the ABC television series Alias Smith and Jones. From 1971-73, he starred in Alias Smith and Jones with Pete Duel (1971-72) and Roger Davis (1972-73). After Alias Smith and Jones, Murphy joined Lorne Greene in the 1973 ABC crime drama Griff. He played detective S. Michael "Mike" Murdock, assistant to Greene's character, Wade "Griff" Griffin, a Los Angeles retired police officer turned private eye. Since the 1980s, when Murphy became a highly ranked tournament tennis player in California, he has continued to travel and compete on the USTA singles and doubles circuit and in celebrity events. Sent him 2 photos on 16 Jun 2021 and got them back signed on 19 May 2022. Mr Ben Murphy 2690 Rambla Pacifico Malibu, CA 90267
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Ben Murphy surprise SUCCESS - 01 de junio de 2020
Sent: 4-19-20 Recd 05/26-20 Comment: Sent 2 3x5 one said he thought he already responded to my request never recd one the other one he inscribed it Used Malibu, CA address Ben Murphy 2690 Rambla Pacifico Malibu, CA 90265-3423 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/3jqc7.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/3305749f6820ee26/3jqc7/IMG_20200601_0011.jpg[/img http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/jifwx.html[imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/3305749f6820ee26/jifwx/IMG_20200601_0012.jpg[/img
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Ben Murphy surprise SUCCESS - 30 de mayo de 2020
Way back in 2013, I wrote Ben Murphy, who starred as Kid Curry in the US television western "Alias Smith and Jones," with a TTM autograph request, sending pre-stamped envelope and a 3x5 card for signing. I had forgotten all forgot all it, but received his reply on 5/26/2020. Boy, was I surprised! He sent my letter back, inscribed "Hi Pat......I just found your letter. I hope it still meaning for you Ben Murphy." He also signed my 3x5 "Hi Pat. Thank you for your kind words Ben Murphy." The address I wrote to is still valid, and is on the fanmail.biz database.
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