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Patricia Morison Patricia Morison
Fecha de nacimiento: 19 Marzo 1915
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Última respuesta recibida el: 12/5/2017 >>>


Patricia Morison

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American Actress and Singer Patricia Morison success - 23 de enero de 2018
American stage and film actress and mezzo-soprano singer. She made her feature film debut in 1939 after several years on the stage. She was lauded as a beauty with large eyes and extremely long, dark hair. During this period of her career, she was often cast as the femme fatale or "other woman". It was only when she returned to the Broadway stage that she achieved her greatest success as the lead in the original production of Cole Porter's Kiss Me, Kate. mailed photo 4-6-17 received signed 5-12-17 used: private resident address Los Angeles, CA Note: per admin and other people who have complained here I won't post private address for privacy reasons. http://surfmypictures.com/image/3b7a020 ... ota5e.html
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Patricia Morison RTS! - 25 de octubre de 2017
I wasn't sure whether I would hear back from this address because it was removed from the database, but I was really disappointed to get this RTS as I'm a huge fan of Miss Morison's. <img src= I think it was really strange that it took over three months just for my request to be sent back to me, and I was sad to see just how beaten up the envelope was. If anyone has a current address for her I would really love to have it! <img src= Sent: 7/12/17 Received: 10/25/17 http://surfmypictures.com/image/6b132ab ... rfr3g.html I sent a photo, letter of request, and a self-addressed envelope to: Patricia Morison 400 Hauser Blvd Apt 9L Los Angeles, CA 90036-5571 USA Thanks anyway, Fanmail! <img src=
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Patricia Morison success! - 11 de febrero de 2016
Sent Patricia Morison SASE, fan letter, and two photos to Hauser Blvd address on 01/21/2016. Got both photos back signed and one personalized on 02/08/2016. Very thrilled to have hers... she is turning 101 in March!
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