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Alex Vincent Alex Vincent
Fecha de nacimiento: 29 Abril 1981
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Alex Vincent
A/V Productions
24705 US Highway 19 N
Suite 312
Clearwater, FL 33763
Estados Unidos

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Informaciones sobre esta dirección:

A/V Productions
24705 US Highway 19 N
Suite 312
Clearwater, FL 33763
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (727) 420-7493
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Alex Vincent website Buy Success - 15 de octubre de 2012
HI everyone, sorry i am just posting this i was away for the 2012 New York City Comic-Con. so back on September 9th i visited the official website of actor Alex Vincent (Andy from Child's Play 1 & 2) and i bought A 8x10 (for $10 USD)and asked for him to personalize it. this was my 1st time actually Buying an Autograph. so after a few weeks not hearing anything i began to worry. then about 3 weeks later he sent me an Email saying the print that i ordered was out of stock, and that he would send it out once he got it i was like yeah that is about my luck lol. then again i heard nothing and then i decided to re visit his site and i noticed that he had raised the price to $20 USD. so i was like what is the story here. well i came back from NYCC12 and it was waiting for me in my mail box. it was post marked October 9th which is about 1 month. so not too bad and he did personalize it for me. so i am happy now and relieved. it really gave me hope for buying more from online celebrity Stores. since i first bought from him i also ordered from the guy who played young Michael Myers in the 1st Rob Zombie Halloween film. hoping that is not too far behind. i will keep you posted. i hope this is helpful and here is the pic below. Best Wishes Sean Sjazz envelope:
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