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Howard Lee
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Howard Lee
Pelham Associates
19 Pelham Square
Brighton BN1 4ET
Reino Unido

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Pelham Associates
(Agencia de actores)
19 Pelham Square
Brighton BN1 4ET
Reino Unido
Teléfono: +44 (0)1273 682463
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Howard Lee Medal of Honor Vietnam - 16 de marzo de 2015
Lieutenant Colonel Howard Vincent Lee (born 1933) is a retired United States Marine Corps officer who received the Medal of Honor for heroism in August 1966 during the Vietnam War. A platoon of Major (then Captain) Lee's company, while on an operation deep in enemy territory, was attacked and surrounded by a large Vietnamese force. Realizing that the unit had suffered numerous casualties, depriving it of effective leadership, and fully aware that the platoon was even then under heavy attack by the enemy, Major Lee took seven men and proceeded by helicopter to reinforce the beleaguered platoon. Major Lee disembarked from the helicopter with two of his men and, braving withering enemy fire, led them into the perimeter, where he fearlessly moved from position to position, directing and encouraging the overtaxed troops. The enemy then launched a massive attack with the full might of their forces. Although painfully wounded by fragments from an enemy grenade in several areas of his body, including his eye, Major Lee continued undauntedly throughout the night to direct the valiant defense, coordinate supporting fires, and apprise higher headquarters of the plight of the platoon. The next morning he collapsed from his wounds and was forced to relinquish command. Sent 2 photos on 2 Mar and received them back but only 1 was signed on 16 Mar. LTC Howard Lee 529 King Arthur Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23464
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