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Anna Clarke
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Anna Clarke
Brown Simcocks & Andrews
Turnbull House
226 Mulgrave Rd
Cheam SM2 6JT
Reino Unido

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Brown Simcocks & Andrews
(Agencia de actores)
Turnbull House
226 Mulgrave Rd
Cheam SM2 6JT
Reino Unido
Teléfono: +44 (0)20 7863 9404
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

I'm not really sure you would call this a success but I thought I'd share it with you. This morning I was furtling through my old books under my bed and pulled out a hard back copy of Susanna Clarke's, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell novel. I dusted it off, remembering my Dad had bought me this for my birthday some years back. I glanced at the publication date - 2004. I pondered on it some more and remembered that on giving it to me, my dad said, "I thought you might like this. It's a bit Lord Of The Rings-ish (which I'd recently purchased but couldn't get into and so abandoned). I've heard it's going to be really popular". Shortly after it peaked at No.3 on the New York Times best-sellers list and remained on the list for a further 11 weeks. At the time I was totally oblivious to its success! In addition I vaguely recall him telling me that it cost more than the price on the dust jacket (£17.99) as it was a first edition (UK) that he got directly from the publisher and signed by the author. Bare in mind, 11 years ago, I had no interest in, or the value of signed items and on getting the book home, I, (very dismissively) having no intention of reading it, shoved it on a bookshelf and forgot all about it. Today I turned a few pages into the book and sure enough there was Susanna's signature with the numbers 924/1450 handwritten in the top right hand corner of the same page! There was only 1450 signed first editions issued. You can see my copy is a first edition from the full 10987654321 number line on the copyright page photo. I've done a bit of research into the book. Susanna is from Nottinghamshire, UK. This was her debut novel which she started writing in her spare time from 1992. 10 years later she submitted the manuscript and it was accepted by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc and published in September 2004. Later that year the film rights for the book were purchased by New Line Cinema and Susanna received an undisclosed "seven-figure sum". However, the film was never made due to the collapse of the production company. In 2015 a seven episode TV adaptation of the book has recently finished being aired in the UK to a very positive response. I've read that a signed, first edition, hard back is considered highly collectable. I had a look on Ebay and there's a few copies with the highest 'Buy It Now' price on one, for £180! This book has travelled from pillar to post with me over the years. I feel so glad I've never lost it during moves/clear-outs and its just pure luck that its practically in pristine condition due to me always stuffing it away and never touching it. My thanks are with my Dad and I will always treasure it. I just wish I'd shown a bit more enthusiasm back when he gave it to me.
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