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Jerry Van Dyke Jerry Van Dyke
Fecha de nacimiento: 27 Julio 1931
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Jerry Van Dyke

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Jerry Van Dyke success - 17 de febrero de 2013
He is the younger brother of comedian and actor Dick Van Dyke. CBS made plans to set him up in his own series. After turning down the role of Gilligan in Gilligan's Island, and rejecting an offer to replace Don Knotts on The Andy Griffith Show, Van Dyke accepted the lead role of attorney David Crabtree in the short-lived sitcom My Mother the Car (1965), the misadventures of a man whose deceased mother Gladys (voiced by Ann Sothern) is reincarnated as a restored antique car. Although the series was a commercial failure, Van Dyke continued to work steadily in supporting television and film roles through the rest of the decade. He starred in another short-lived situation comedy, Accidental Family (1967), as widowed comedian Jerry Webster who buys a farm to raise his son while he's not professionally touring. During the 1970s, Van Dyke returned to stand-up comedy. He spent much of the decade touring Playboy Clubs around the country and headlining venues in Las Vegas, Nevada, Reno and Atlantic City. He returned to television for guest appearances on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Love, American Style and Fantasy Island, and roles in The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon (1976) and 13 Queens Boulevard (1979). mailed photo 10-31-12 received signed 1-14-13 used private resident address: Malvern, AR Note: per request of admin and others here I don't post private addresses to protect privacy of celebrity.
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