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Columbia Records
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25 Madison Avenue
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Steve Melinikoff D - Day + 1 - 10 de julio de 2019
Steve Melnikoff was born in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, in November 1919, the son of Ukrainian immigrants. He found a job in his teens working on Navy ships with the Bethlehem Steel Corp., then based in Qunicy, Massachusetts. When the company moved to Baltimore, so did Melnikoff. He continued laboring on warships — work considered so important he was given three deferments before getting drafted in 1943. In Cornwall, England, he became part of Company “C” in the 175th Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division, a Baltimore-based unit with roots dating to the Revolutionary War. There, he trained in secret for the looming invasion of Europe. Strictly speaking, Melnikoff wasn’t part of the D-Day invasion. Two other 29th Division regiments, the 116th and 115th, hit the beach first as the 175th looked on from the English Channel. But when the 175th came ashore in landing craft on D-Day Plus 1, they found themselves marching through a hellscape of bodies and wreckage to the cliffs beyond. He fought with the 175th till it reached the Elbe River. [youtubeXmRqbc81_gQ[/youtube Sent him 2 photos on 31 May and got them back signed on 10 Jul.. On the photos he also wrote, C Co 175th Reg 29th Div.. Omaha Beach to the Elbe River. Mr Steve Melinikoff 10311 Greentop RD. Cookeysville, MD 21030
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