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William Windom William Windom
Fecha de nacimiento: 28 Septiembre 1923
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Última respuesta recibida el: 4/10/2011 >>>


William Windom

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William Windom... Successful failure(?!) - 09 de octubre de 2011
Okay, this is a new one for me... So, on 09/16/11, I wrote to William Windom, who played Commodore Matthew Decker in one of my favorite episodes of Star Trek, "The Doomsday Machine." Sent 8x10, LOR and SASE. I received an envelope postmarked 10/4/11, addressed to me, with "Windom, etc." as the return address, but it wasnt my SASE... So, my first thought was, "Wow, he decided to save a fan some postage! How thoughtful!" When I opened it, I found my entire packet (SASE, LOR, 8x10, cardboard, protector) all untouched, with no further information... This is a first for me. I figure this either one of two scenarios. 1) This is a big middle-finger with a passive-aggressive "I could have signed it, but Im going to lengths to show that i simply wouldnt." or 2) He declines to sign it, but appreciates the effort, and so pays to have my carefully assembled packet sent back to me. My own disappointment would like me to believe that the first scenario is true, but considering that he carefully resealed my packet in his own envelope and paid his own postage to send it back to me, Im going to assume that this was the latter, and Im going to assume that was a gesture of polite refusal, which I will respect. (I guess the hand-written return address on the envelope is as close as im going to get.) In either case, moderators: not sure if this would be classified as a success or failure. On one hand, its clearly the correct address. On the other, he clearly does not wish to sign a "Star Trek" photo, at least... <img src= I dont know if hes unwilling to sign anything ELSE or not, so classify this as you will... Cheers! -
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