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Andrew Law
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Andrew Law
Reign Agency
400 S Beverly Dr.
Suite 250
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Estados Unidos

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Informaciones sobre esta dirección:

Reign Agency
(Agencia de actores)
400 S Beverly Dr.
Suite 250
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (310) 396-6462
Fax: (310) 396-6415
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Andrew Lawrence success (TV's Brotherly Love, Hawaii-Five-0) - 01 de agosto de 2016
On 4-7-16 I sent a LOR, a SASE and a 4x6 photo to: Andrew Lawrence "Hawaii Five-0 - Season 6" Eye Productions 510 18th Avenue Honolulu, HI 96816-4442 and on 8-1-16 I got my photo back signed!
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Andrew Lawden (Star Wars Stunt Double) Success! 1,634 Days! - 12 de enero de 2012
Wow, talk about a blast from the past! Received an unexpected reply today from Actor/Stunt Double Andrew Lawden after 1,634 days!! Sent this one back in July 2007! Andrew was the Stunt Double for Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace & also played a Naboo soldier. 8) I sent Andrew two 4x6 photos and some Star Wars movie cards, but instead he graciously sent me two very awesome 8x10 photos that were personalized and signed! There was no sign of my items that I sent, but found out why when I read the typed & signed letter he’d also enclosed. Sadly, He had to deal with a house fire a while back and lost quite a few things including fan pics and letters. He says “but most were saved, though damaged and needed cleaning by professionals. A lot of these were stored away, and over time have now reappeared, as each box was gradually dealt with & contents checked!” He also goes on to say “The Pics I have enclosed are exclusively only available from my website or at any conventions I attend, as I have been advised to try and give something unique; to date. I am the only character pictured with one of the rare cast and crew jackets we were given. (Only 50 made; notice there is no film title on it!)" Was sorry to hear about the fire he experienced, but very happy that he took the time to still keep the letters that weren’t damaged and reply to them when he could. Thanks Andrew!! Address I used is outdated, but have posted his up to date one below. Envelope: 8x10 Photos: Typed and Signed Letter: Sent: July 24th 2007 Replied: January 12th 2012 Days Taken: 1,634 Address Used: Andrew Lawden C/o Julie Fox Associates 9 Adam street London WC2N 6AA United Kingdom RYAN-J 8)
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