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Jon Morris
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Jon Morris
BBA Talent
4100 W. Alameda Avenue
Suite 203
Burbank, CA 91505-4153
Estados Unidos

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BBA Talent
(Agencia de actores)
4100 W. Alameda Avenue
Suite 203
Burbank, CA 91505-4153
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (818) 506-8188
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

NFL Jon Morris Success - 31 de enero de 2023
Sent a LOR, SASE and 4 TCs to: Jon Morris 74 Renegar Way St Simons, GA 31522 Sent: 1/9/23 Received: 1/31/23 http://surfmypictures.com/image/228fe5a892f8a804/qmr3o.html
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Jon Morris Football - 01 de noviembre de 2021
Jon Morris (born April 5, 1942 Washington, DC) is an American former professional football player. An offensive lineman, he played for fifteen seasons for the Boston/New England Patriots, Detroit Lions, and Chicago Bears. Boston/New England Patriots (1964–1974) Detroit Lions (1975-1977) Chicago Bears (1978) 6× AFL All-Star (1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969) 6× All-AFL (1964–1969) Pro Bowl (1970) New England Patriots Hall of Fame AFL All-Time Team Sent him 2 cards on 21 Oct and got them back signed on 1 Nov Mr Jon Morris 74 Renegar Way St Simons Island, GA 31522
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Jon Morris American Football (Pats) - 14 de marzo de 2015
Jon Morris is a former American college and professional football player. The Green Bay Packers, coached by Vince Lombardi, picked Morris as their number two draft choice, however Morris chose to go with the Boston Patriots instead and he was signed on as their third pick. Morris was the Patriots' team Rookie of the Year in 1964, and their "Unsung Hero" in 1965. He was an AFL All-Star six times, 1964 through 1969, and was an AFC Pro Bowl Center in 1970; he was the first Patriots player to be selected for the AFC Pro Bowl. He is 2nd to John Hannah for the most appearances by a Patriot player in a League All Star Game or Pro Bowl Game. Morris was named to the second team, All-Time All-AFL, and to the fan-selected Boston Patriots All-1960s Team. He played 128 games for the Patriots, the eighth best individual record in club history. Sent him 2 cards on 25 Feb and got both back signed on 14 Mar. Mr. Jon. Morris 10 Berkeley Ct. Bluffton, SC. 29910-4839
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