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Fifth Harmony
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Fifth Harmony
Sony Music
25 Madison Avenue
19th floor
New York, NY 10010
Estados Unidos

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Sony Music
(Sello discográfico)
25 Madison Avenue
19th floor
New York, NY 10010
Estados Unidos
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Fifth Harmony In Person/Pre-Signed Success! :) - 02 de octubre de 2013
So, I know I received this on August 10th 2013, but I would like to share it out to y'all, so here it goes: When I realized that I was in San Francisco on the SAME EXACT date that Fifth Harmony was going for their Harmonize America Tour, I freaked out! Seriously, you can check their tour dates if you don't believe me XD LOL! There's only one rule: You have to have the Meet and Greet Wristband in order to meet them. But you can get them when you buy the Miss Movin' On Limited Edition CD(which was $3!). While I was in the cinema watching, my parents bought me the CD! I was overwhelmed! I was even crying! OMG! On August 10th, I went with my parents to the concert(which was at The Shops At Tanforan). Believe it or not there was sooooooo many people! I'm guessing around 1,000, I think! After they performed, I went and was able to meet all 5 girls! They were so nice! Camila said my hair was pretty. Normani and Lauren gave me a hug. Dinah Jane and Ally kissed me on both cheeks! Wow! And afterwards, one of the managers gave out a pre-signed picture of all five of them. OMG, it was the best day of my life! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here's the picture: Uploaded with Thoughts on Authenticity are wanted!
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Ally Brooke Hernandez (Fifth Harmony) - 08 de febrero de 2013
Just received this today The card with Tinkerbell on it is just a note of her saying thank you for the letter. Sent: SASE and Pictures Received: SASE with pictures signed and a thank you card Address: Ally Brooke Hernandez PO Box 692318 San Antonio, TX 78269 Picture:
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Si vives en envía un sobre con el franqueo apropiado y tu propia dirección (tamaño mínimo 21.5 X 10 cm) junto con tu petición y una foto. Puedes incluir un trozo de cartón para prevenir que la foto no se estropee cuando circule por el Servicio Postal, y también añadir la frase "No doblar-Do not bend" en los sobres. Envía tu carta y espera. Por regla general, tardará como unos 3 meses en haber una respuesta. Si no vives en , añade varios Cupones de Respuesta Internacional. Estos cupones (CRI) serán usados por el destinatario para canjearlos por sellos de correos comunes. Sólo puedes obtenerlos en tus oficinas de correos locales. Deposita los CRIs dentro del sobre, no pegados en él. Para más información sobre los cupones, clic aquí. *Para información sobre coste del franqueo para recibir una carta desde Estados Unidos clic aquí. Los sellos de los Estados Unidos se pueden comprar aquí.
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