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Debra Paget Debra Paget
Fecha de nacimiento: 19 Agosto 1933
Sitio official:
Dirección de email:
Última respuesta recibida el: 5/8/2014 >>>

Debra Paget
411 Kari Court
Houston, TX 77024-6804
Estados Unidos
Informaciones sobre esta dirección:

411 Kari Court
Houston, TX 77024-6804
Estados Unidos
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

DEBRA PAGET SUCCESS X2 - 05 de agosto de 2014
I sent a letter, SASE and 2 photos on January 8th and received both photos personalized on August 5th. The address I used was: DEBRA PAGET 411 KARI COURT HOUSTON, TX 77024-6804 - - -
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Debra Paget success!!! - 04 de agosto de 2014
Sent: January 8, 2014 Received: August 4, 2014 I used the address in the database. I sent 1 8x10, a SASE and I sent her a long letter telling her that she is the one responsible for getting me into film as much as I am because I first saw The Ten Commandments when I was about 5 (Im Catholic...its like a right of passage for us) and fell in love with her and what not. I cant believe she signed! I freaked out when I saw it in the mail! haha Ive been having a lot of great rare successes lately. haha My Autograph: - She also sent this "Youre Special" prayer card thing that she signed on the back. At first I thought that was like a PP but then I realized you can see where the pen hadnt been working and you can smell the marker scent from it and see it kind of through the otherside of the paper... I didnt scan it but i took some pics of the front and back of it (no need to advertise religion on here) - - she sent both things inside of a vanilla envelope too haha Envelope: - i thought it was cool she put this on it haha -
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