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Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain
Jefe de cocina / Presentador de TV / Presentador de televisión
Fecha de nacimiento: 25 Junio 1956
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Última respuesta recibida el: 6/7/2018 >>>


Anthony Bourdain

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Anthony Bourdain Success.........But - 06 de julio de 2018
In June 2017 i wrote to his management company for his autograph. i was asked to send the items i wished signed along with a SASE which i did. I was told by mail that Tony as they called him had signed the pictures in mid August 2017 and they would send it out soon but inspite of several follow up the management company just did not send the pictures. After regular follow ups i had actually given up as it was truly sad that he signed my pictures and it was in someones drawer but they weren't sending the same. After his unfortunate passing away in the first week of June 2018 i wrote to them with a request for my pictures as i am never going to get it again. i got a nice mail apologizing for the delay and they finally send it out on 18th June as per their mail to me and i got the same today. I really liked him and his work and this would have been among my happiest autographs but i felt an immense sense of sadness when i opened the envelope and saw the signed pictures. Gone to soon. RIP Anthony Bourdain. I shall cherish these pictures for a life time.
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anthony Bourdain success - 11 de mayo de 2017
sent to Anthony Bourdain on 4/24/17 received back on 5/11/17 Fan Mail Address: Anthony Bourdain Zero Point Zero Production, Inc. 875 Avenue Of The Americas 19th Floor New York, NY 10001-3551 USA
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anthony Bourdain RTS 4/21/17 - 21 de abril de 2017
got rts on 4/21/17 Anthony Bourdain Brasserie Les Halles 411 Park Ave South New York, NY 10016 USA
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