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Billy Shaw Billy Shaw
Ex jugador de fútbol americano
Fecha de nacimiento: 15 Diciembre 1938
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Última respuesta recibida el: 6/7/2017 >>>

Billy Shaw
573 Old Rothell Rd
Toccoa, GA 30577-7001
Estados Unidos
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(Dirección de casa)
573 Old Rothell Rd
Toccoa, GA 30577-7001
Estados Unidos
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Billy Shaw
Pro Football Hall of Fame
2121 George Halas Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44708-2630
Estados Unidos

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Informaciones sobre esta dirección:

Pro Football Hall of Fame
2121 George Halas Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44708-2630
Estados Unidos
Teléfono: (330) 456-8207 X149
Fax: (330) 456-8175
Sitio official
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Billy Shaw (Buffalo Bills) Success - 06 de julio de 2017
Sent a 4x6 photo and an SASE to Mr. Shaw on 6/13/2017. On 7/6/2017, received my photo back signed along with a Pro Football Hall of Fame card signed and a personal note from Mr. Shaw thanking me for my letter. Great response from a great football player. Sent: 6/13/2017 Received: 7/6/2017 Address used: Billy Shaw 573 Old Rothell Rd Toccoa, GA 30577 Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/10a1332 ... ni0dp.html
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Billy Shaw NFL HOF Success X2 - 26 de junio de 2017
Sent LOR, SASE, CIC and $5 to: Mr. Billy Shaw 573 Old Rothell Rd. Toccoa, GA 30577 Received my card back signed and he also wrote me a thank you note. Sent: 6/15/17 Received: 6/26/17 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures
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Billy Shaw American Football H O F - 08 de junio de 2015
William Lewis "Billy" Shaw (born December 15, 1938) is an American former college and professional football player. Drafted in 1961 by the American Football League's Buffalo Bills, Billy Shaw of Georgia Tech was the prototypical "pulling guard" who despite his size held his own against much bigger defensive linemen like Ernie Ladd, Earl Faison and Buck Buchanan. With the Bills, he won three straight Eastern Division titles and two American Football League championships in 1964 and 1965. Shaw was a first-team All-American Football League selection four times (1963 through 1966) and second team All-AFL in 1968 and 1969. He played in eight American Football League All-Star Games and was named to the All-Time All-AFL Team. He made the All-Decade All-pro football team of the 1960s. Shaw played his entire career in the American Football League, and retired after the 1969 AFL season. Shaw is the only player ever inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame without ever playing in the NFL (The Bills along with the rest of the AFL merged with the NFL the season following his retirement).. Inducted into the H O F in 1999. Sent him 2 photos on 9 Apr and got both back signed on 8 Jun. Mr. Billy Shaw 573 Old Rothell Rd. Toccoa, GA. 30577
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